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About Us
TFXK.COM is a professional Internet consulting and Website development company based in Chengdu, China.
Contact us to find out more about TFXK.COM' services:
  0086-28-6653 3130
Our Approach

Each project requires a unique set of ideas and collective expertise. The following 8 characteristics guarantee that TFXK.COM delivers the highest quality results every time.

We are professional
We are client centered
We are quality focused
We value honesty and integrity
We combine cutting edge technology and design
We are highly recommended by previous clients
We are a Chinese company based in Chengdu
We are a flexible team, ready to serve your every need
The process
We recommend a step-by-step approach to planning the construction of a website. The first step focuses on discovering whether we have a good fit between ourselves and your organization.
Once we have agreed to proceed, our group of highly talented and skilled professionals work together to provide you general ideas and objectives for the website and create a broad-stroke website plan. The next several steps are designed to refine the website plan into a detailed set of jobs to be done. We then establish a timeline and specify where on the timeline those jobs need to be completed. At each step along the way, we ask that you review our progress and sign off on it before moving on. This way we maintain good communications throughout the process.