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About Us
TFXK.COM is a professional Internet consulting and Website development company based in Chengdu, China.
Contact us to find out more about TFXK.COM' services:
  0086-28-6653 3130
The Team

Currently TFXK.COM web building and consulting team includes specialists in Design & Usability, Database Programming & Integration, Originality, Consultancy, Online Marketing, Project Management, Hosting and Technical Support.

The team has a breadth and depth of expertise gathered over many years working on wide ranging web projects. We have blended technology and design expertise with a unique insight into the psychology of human behavior, which enabling us to create web sites that are not only beautifully designed, but are highly functional.
Capability of technology implementation
Operation platform: Windows, Linux.
Web programming: .NET, JSP, ASP, PHP.
Database developing: MS SQL, My SQL, ORACLE.
Web page design and development: X/HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XSL, Flash