<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " <html xmlns=",div+css多浏览器测试方法; <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=gbk"> <head> <title>DIV+css完善仿真Textarea<,Div+Css基础知识点总结;/title> <style type=",DIV+css初学者需要引起重视的10个问题与技巧;text/css"> h1 {font:bold 1,div+CSS 兼容小摘.2em/1.6em arial;margin:4px 0;padding:4px 0;} h2 {font:normal 1.1em/1.5em arial;margin:14px 0 0 0;padding:4px 0;} div,DIV+CSS 全屏垂直居中的一个办法, p {font: normal 1em/1.3em arial;} textarea.terms { width:600px; height:200px; border:1px solid #ccc; background:#f2f2f2; font:normal 11px/15px arial; padding:6px; color:#333; } div.terms { width:600px; height:200px; border:1px solid #ccc; background:#f2f2f2; padding:6px; overflow:auto; } div,div 实现长英文字母自动换行CSS.terms p, div.terms li {font:normal 11px/15px arial;color:#333;} div.terms h3 {font:bold 14px/19px arial;color:#000;} div.terms h4 {font:bold 12px/17px arial;color:#000,div css表单布局的五个小技巧;} div.terms strong {color:#000;} </style> </head> <body> <h1>这可是用DIV实现的哦!</h1> <div class="terms"> <h3>Terms and Conditions</h3> <h4>General</h4> <p>,DIV CSS网页布局中常用的列表元素ul ol li dl dt dd释义;Servicing servicing resistor <strong>video computer</strong> element transponder prototype analog solution mainframe network. Solution video debugged feedback sampling extended, infrared, generator generator. </p> <ul>,DIV CSS样式在SEO中的命名规则; <li>list item number one</li> <li>list item number two</li> <li>list item number three</li> </ul> <p>大家都见到良多网站有这种功效吧?就是点击登录后网页并不刷新,但却弹出一个登录框,输入帐号后又紧接着不刷新网页就可登录,这种功能对进步用户休会十分有用,当初做了一个简略点的登录框,重要是应用了jQuery框架,个人感到这是个AJAX最好用的框架。</p> <h4>Fees</h4> <p>Reflective backbone log transmission cable logarithmic mainframe. Messaging backbone debugged feedback development phaselock metafile n-tier coordinated, cable coordinated coordinated in,DIV CSS布局中如何组织样式表以便于简化、维护. <strong>Analog device</strong> transistorized, sequential transistorized with scalar normalizing. Services software pc, femtosecond bypass scalar data element extended cascading capacitance harmonic. </p> </div> </body> </html>
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